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Saleh Mohammad: How former 'slogger' managed to get rid of osteochondrosis in a month

How to cure joint pain

I'd like to tell you my story about how I managed to defeat my arthrosis of knee joints and osteochondrosis in the small of my back. I'm not a physician, I won't explain how I cured it, I'll just tell you what happened.

I'm 62 years old, I'm a pensioner. Before the retirement, I worked in blast furnace shop in metallurgical plant. At first I was a simple worker there, and then I changed my position and started working as a safety engineer. Those who know the profession of a furnace worker undertand that it differs a lot from steelworker's occupation. They just boil steel in converters, all they need to do is sit and press levers and buttons. We did everything the old-fashioned way. If necessary, we used shovel and sometimes even a crowbar. It was incredibly hot near the furnace, and nowhere to escape from constant draughts. I virtually ruined my knees and small of my back there.

Continuous pains have a direct negative impact on appearance. I aged a lot within the last 3 years.

It's a good thing I had a right to retire at the age of 50 due to long record of service on harmful occupation. I just didn't have any strength left to stand it. I could hold on the last year only thanks to anesthetic shots. I got lucky - there was a vacant position for an engineer. That new job turned out much easier, far away from furnace. It spared my health, had a beneficial impact on my ailments. Pain subsided, I even made it without anesthetics for a while. But three years before the final retirement I had an accident. I ploughed up my leg pretty bad on a fishing trip. Pain shock and another round of anesthetics affected the fragile balance and I had to face sharp pains in my knees and small of my back.

Because of the injury my arthritis began to progress fast.

I don't even want to recall those three years. It was a living hell! In the morning my wife gave me a shot of diclofenac, then I had another one at work and then another one which my wife did at home again, in the evening. Why the hell didn't I retire, you wonder? I helped my son. He had a newborn baby boy, and he had lost his job. I had to help his family.

The last year I walked with a stick. Right before the next health examination I wrote a letter of voluntary resignation. I couldn't pass the examination anyway.

How I treated myself

Based on my rich experience regarding joints diseases, I can say that doctors know basically only about chondrosamine. Well, they may sometimes also prescribe hydrocortisone or diprospan.


Moreover, constant shots of diclofenac which I had to do to relieve the pain, caused stomach pains. I had to add subnitrate of bismuth to protect the stomach lining.

While I was looking for a really effective remedy, I had 4 punctures to remove the liquid. The last time I had it removed, there was pus. The doctor told me that it was very likely I would need a surgery soon, endoprosthesis replacement. They would put titanic knee limbs instead of my worthless ones. I started to learn more about it. As it turned out, even if this prosthetics would go ok, I'd still have to walk with a stick. The surgery itself cost minumum 4000$. That's the price for German prosthesis, ours are 1000$ cheaper but the risk of complications with them is higher. In short, I decided to take my time and think it all through.

I decided to take my time and think hard about my future fate.

I could see that there was no way I could escape being disabled. And I didn't have that kind of money!

We thought a lot together with my wife and talked about it (she was doing great, really) and decided to agree to the surgery. At the age of 61 life doesn't end, and as for the money..well, that's what it for, to spend it.

And suddenly miracle happened!

I actually owe it to my wife. She had a school friend, wife of the town's official. This fellow suffered from knee pain just like I did. Well, maybe not so much.

One day my wife was walking down the street when a car stopped next to her. This official got out of the car and quickly with a spring in his step went to the store.

That very day Seema (my wife) called her friend and started asking questions how George managed to cure his knees. He didn't do the surgery, as far as we knew. And besides, people don't run like this after surgeries.

My wife Seema saved me, I'm very grateful to her.

It turned out this had to do with a new product - Flekosteel. Her husband pulled the strings and virtually in a month he got back on his feet. And I'm gonna say it once again - IN A MONTH!

We both got very excited but frustrated at the same time. The product wasn't sold in our country. And we had no idea how to order it in the States where almost everything is available only by prescription. In one word, we continued preparing myself for the surgery.

A month and half later Seema's friend called and told us that the cream Flekosteel passed certification in our country. My wife begged her friend to learn more information, and it was confirmed! Now we could actually buy the product, unfortunately only from the official site. I think I was one of the first customers who ordered!


I started to treat my hapless knees and small of the back. And you know, it started to take effect! At first I thought it worked as an anesthetic because roughly 5-10 minutes after application the pain was alleviated. I felt considerably better, even the small of my back stopped hurting. To tell the truth, I gave up on it a long time ago. I wish I could at least take care of my knees. I was already facing surgery! But when a week after application of the cream I managed to bend down and put on my shoes without using a half-meter shoe spoon, I realized that Flekosteel CURES very well!

In 2 weeks I could walk for half an hour without any pains in my knees! I was clearly recovering! Another two weeks later I considered myself a healthy person - I didn't suffer from pain anymore! I could easily bend down, walk long distances and ride a bike (I love riding it).

I could ride a bike again and go for long 2-hour walks.

It's been half a year since I recovered. No pains anymore! Despite the fact that I gave up using Flekosteel months ago. Now I go to fishing trips, work in garden in the country and I love babysit my grandson! I and my wife plan together to have a trip to the south! My wife wouldn't shut up how beautiful it is there.

When you are healthy, games with grandson don't irritate you but on the contrary, they bring joy.

So if you have arthritis, osteochondrosis or arthrosis, in short if you have sore joints and back, take note of my information: Flekosteel - cures joints!

Official site of Flekosteel

Saleh Mohammad, Beirut


  1. Farheen |

    I've been using Flekosteel for two weeks already. I'm very happy with the results. I didn't see the light of day before because of this damn osteochondrosis. The cream is very useful. I apply it on the affected areas and forget all about it till the next day. It works very fast. Once I had a shooting pain in the small of my back and Flekosteel eliminated the pain in 5 minutes!

  1. Shahbaz |

    I'm very interested in this information. I have neck osteochondrosis and constant headaches because of it. Nothing helps me, neither massages nor shots of traumeel. I really hope that Flekosteel will help me!

  1. Saleh Mohammad |
    Steve, I'm sure it will! My wife's condition is the same, Flekosteel saves her.
  1. Mahnoor |

    I ordered for my husband, I'm so sick and tired of it! I hope it will help! He has a very severe case of left knee arthrosis. Pains are very strong.

  1. Saleh Mohammad |

    Flekosteel will undoubtedly help you - it will relieve the pain and cure arthrosis, this is its direct effect.

  1. Tehmeena |

    Thank you for the tip, Saleh! I used to row a lot, as a result I ruined my back. Pains in the small of my back constantly haunted me. Flekosteel became my life-saver.

  1. Majid Aslam |

    I bought Flekosteel directly in the US when I was on business trip there. The remedy is very good. No matter what they say, Americans produce very effective drugs. I forgot about arthritis of my left knee.

  1. Junaid Khan |

    Thank you, Saleh! Thanks to Flekosteel I'm active again! I had trouble sitting down and standing up because of the pains. I thought I would have to walk with a stick, and I'm only 55.

  1. Rabia Anwar |

    I want to say that Flekosteel is also effective at fighting leg swellings. My doctor advised me to use it this way, he works at the (name) medical institute. Swelling disappear right before your eyes.

  1. Saleh Mohammad |

    I didn't have this kind of problem. But I'm glad Flekosteel helps in this case too.

  1. Shah Noor Khanzada |

    I'm a driver and pains in the small of my back is my professional disease. Flekosteel removes them really fast. Now this cream is always in my first-aid kit.

  1. Rabee'a Khan |

    Thank you, Saleh. Flekostell helped me a lot. Leg pain just vanished without a trace! It feels like I was born again!

  1. Hira Arbab |

    Thank you, Mr. Waller, for this advice. Thanks to Flekosteel I'm a full human being again, and the most important thing - I'm a full grandma!

  1. Shumail |

    My job includes a lot of standing, and also I often have to bend down. Flekosteel is good at relieving pain in the small of my back and eliminates leg swelling. I used to suffer from dull pain in my legs by day's end. Now it's all fine.

  1. Hoor Ahmed |

    I'm very happy with Flekosteel. It's really the next-generation remedy. It removes joints pain very fast!

  1. Sumayya |

    I made an order. Now I look forward to receiving the package with Flekosteel. Btw. there's some special offer now on the site.

  1. Jaweria Mehar |

    Thank you, Alyssa! When I learnt about the discount, I rushed to order and I made it just in time! And of course, thank you too, Mr. Waller!

  1. Kauser and Behroze Khan |

    Our whole family use Flekosteel. We both used to be sportsmen. Now we have to pay the price suffering from pains in the small of the back and legs. But to be more exact, we don't anymore!

  1. Umaira |

    Hello, Mr. Waller! I ordered Flekosteel for myself and my husband. I hope it'll help.

  1. Fatima |

    For those who lives an active lifestyle Flekosteel is indispensible. Injuries, dislocations and sprains - it eliminates all kinds of pain very well!

  1. Shaheena |

    I hear Flekosteel is now sold in many countries. It's a very good cream. It helps!

  1. Fouzia Malik |

    Flekosteel is a very strong remedy. It helps fast and for a long period. Unfortunately, I have osteochondrosis and knee arthrosis. I had to consider changing my job because of it - I'm a teacher. Flekosteel helps me with these diseases. At least I feel comfortable. I constantly order from the official supplier. I advise everyone to do the same thing.

Official site of Flekosteel


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